Meeting Facilitation

The conscious act of guiding the meeting process to stay on course, to make sure everyone participates, and to reach the agreed-upon meeting goals.

To have successful meetings, we can use common tools and techniques to keep our conversations on track, ensure everyone has a chance to speak and clarify how GTC’s clients will make decisions. But it is also through our meetings that we collectively decide what actions we will take to fulfill our mission. The character of our meetings, be they open and supportive or hierarchical and competitive, mirrors our organization or group culture.

By designing and facilitating our meetings more deliberately and systematically, we can achieve better thinking, more robust solutions to problems, and greater decision-making support. Moreover, we can begin to create the type of meetings (and in turn the type of organizations) that reflect the basic human values of mutual understanding, full participation in decisions, and support for each other’s efforts and aspirations.

High Quality Standards

A set of procedures is consistently enforced to guarantee consistent, satisfying, and quality results for all of our projects.

Leading Experts

With over fifteen years of combined experience, our team has the requisite expertise to deliver expedient and tangible outcomes suited to your business needs.

Complex Solutions

A broader and intricate value composition, helping you develop strategies that enable you to encompass a vast number of customer base and profitability.

Flexible Prices

We are always open to negotiations within a reasonable pricing range, ensuring you receive a unique, custom, and excellent service experience.

Meeting Facilitator

What does a facilitator do during a meeting?

The person who takes on the role of the facilitator is responsible for guiding the participants toward the desired outcomes by following the agenda. Good meeting design is the first step towards a successful meeting, but facilitators will use many techniques to keep the meeting moving, to include everyone in the conversation, and to handle difficult situations. First, facilitators need to explain the agenda and any special tools they may be planning to use, e.g., group brainstorming. Facilitators will make sure ideas and proposals are not lost. They will remind people of the time and point out when the conversation gets off track.

Often the team or project leader is the one who facilitates meetings. Although they may not think of themselves as the facilitator, they should be attentive to the process of the meeting as well as the content. Even meeting participants can act in facilitative ways by asking a question or making a suggestion to get the meeting back on track or to draw out a person’s idea.

Let us improve your business!

We offer a full spectrum of services to help organizations and businesses work better.  We create standards of excellence, train your people to work in more effective ways, assess how you’re doing, and help you perform even better in the future. We also help brand and get your brand and product recognized around the world.